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    123性爱网 团员物乳液科研团队

    发布日期:2024-12-20 19:59    点击次数:62

    123性爱网 团员物乳液科研团队


    1. 国度当然科学基金面上神志(51573039,2016-2019),T1 MRI/荧光/CT成像三功能造影剂的制备过甚应用照拂

    2. 国度当然科学基金面上神志(51273058,2013-2016),Fe3O4/含稀土共聚物磁性荧光纳米胶粒的制备过甚多模式成像应用

    3. 国度高时代照拂发展筹画(863筹画)子课题(2013AA032302,2013-2016),基于聚偏氟乙烯和氟硅树脂的新式含氟涂料研制

    4. 国度当然科学基金面上神志(50973027,2010-2012),稀土/团员物杂化荧光单散播纳米粒子的可落拓备及生物探针应用照拂

    5. 国度高时代照拂发展筹画(863筹画)子课题(2010-2012),氟石膏无害化措置与资源化诓骗纰谬时代研发与示范减水剂的蛊惑

    6. 国度高时代照拂发展筹画(863筹画)子课题(2010-2012),全氟辛烷磺酸过甚盐替代品蛊惑时代应用于新式织物三防处理剂


    7. “十一五”国度科技守旧筹画重心花方式课题(2008BAC32B03,2008-2011),捏久性有机轻侮物落拓与削减的纰谬时代照拂与示范

    8. 国度当然科学基金后生神志(21802035,2019-2021),非均相Cu/TEMPO催化体系的可落拓备过甚催化醇氧化的照拂

    9. 国度当然科学基金后生神志(51503059,2016-2018),微胶囊共混法构筑自树立型超疏水涂层

    10. 国度当然科学基金后生神志(51303047,2014-2016),高折射水凝胶纳米复合材料的制备过甚在东谈主工角膜植入上的应用

    11. 国度当然科学基金后生神志(51003025,2011-2013),高折射水凝胶纳米复合材料的制备过甚在东谈主工角膜植入上的应用

    12. 国度教诲部博士点基金神志(20094208110002,2009-2012),生物医用稀土/团员物杂化荧光单散播纳米粒子的可落拓备

    13. 湖北省科技厅翻新群体神志(2010CDA077,2010-2012),憎水耐老化、隔热保温建筑乳胶涂料的照拂与蛊惑

    14. 湖北省科技厅翻新群体神志(2006ABC012,2006-2008),单散播微球及有序周期性材料制备的照拂

    15. 湖北省科技厅后生超过东谈主才基金神志(2004ABB003,2004-2006),有序周期性材料制备时代及应用的照拂

    16. 湖北省教诲厅翻新团队神志(2005-2007)123性爱网,功能性纳米微球及新式团员物乳液材料制备时代的照拂,被评为优秀


    1. Yang Z, He WS, Zheng HY, Wei JL, Liu P, Zhu W, Lin LP, Zhang L, Yi CF, Xu ZS, One-pot synthesis of albumin-gadolinium stabilized polypyrrole nanotheranostic agent for magnetic resonance imaging guided photothermal therapy. Biomaterials, 2018, 161, 1-10

    2. Zhang BB, Yan W, Zhu YJ, Yang WT, Le WJ, Chen BD, Zhu RR, Cheng LM, Nanomaterials in neural-stem-cell-mediated regenerative medicine: imaging and treatment of neurological diseases. Adv Mater, 2018, 1705694

    3. Li Q , Liao GF, Zhang SL, Pang L, Tong H, Zhao WZ, Xu ZS, Effect of adjustable molecular chain structure and pure silica zeolite nanoparticles on thermal, mechanical, dielectric, UV-shielding and hydrophobic properties of fluorinated copolyimide composites. Appl Surf Sci, 2018, 427, 437-450

    4. Liu YN, Zhang C, Liu H, Li YB, Xu ZS, Li L, Whittaker A, Controllable synthesis of up-conversion nanoparticles UCNPs@MIL-PEG for pH-responsive drug delivery and potential up-conversion luminescence/magnetic resonance dual-mode imaging. J Alloy Comp, 2018, 749, 939-947

    5. Liu Z, Pang L, Li Q, Zhang S, Li J, Tong H, Xu ZS,  Yi C F, Hydrophilic porous polyimide/β-cyclodextrin composite membranes with enhanced gas separation performance and low dielectric constant. High Perform Polym, 2018, 30, 446-455

    6. Liu P, Zheng H, Yang Z, Ba L, Zhu W, Lin LP, Xiong YX, Xu ZS, Ren JH,Facile preparation of versatile gadolinium-chelated protein nanocomposite for T1 magnetic resonance imaging-guided photodynamic and photothermal synergetic therapy. J Mater Chem B, 2018, 6, 1688-1698

    7. Li Q, Liao G, Tian J, Xu ZS, Preparation of novel fluorinated copolyimide/amine-functionalized sepia eumelanin nanocomposites with enhanced mechanical, thermal, and UV-shielding properties. Macromol Mate Eng, 2018, 303, 1700407

    8. Zhu W, Liu Y, Yang Z, Zhang L, Xiao LJ, Liu P, Wang J, Yi CF, Xu ZS, Ren JH, Albumin/sulfonamide stabilized iron porphyrin metal organic framework nanocomposites: targeting tumor hypoxia by carbonic anhydrase IX inhibition and T1-T2 dual mode MRI guided photodynamic/photothermal therapy. J Mater Chem B, 2018, 6, 265-276

    9. Liao GF, Li Q, Zhao WZ, Pang QH, Gao HY, Xu ZS, In-situ construction of novel silver nanoparticle decorated polymeric spheres as highly active and stable catalysts for reduction of methylene blue dye. Appl Catalysis A, 2018, 549, 102-111

    10. Fan JX, Zheng DW, Rong L, Zhu JY, Hong Sheng, Li Cao, Xu ZS, Cheng SX, Zhang XZ, Targeting epithelial-mesenchymal transition: metal organic network nano-complexes for preventing tumor metastasis. Biomaterials, 2017, 139, 116-126

    11. Zhu W, Liang S, Wang J, Yang Z, Zhang L, Yuan TM, Xu ZS, Xu HB, Li PH, Europium-phenolic network coated BaGdF5 nanocomposites for tri-modal computed tomography/magnetic resonance/luminescence imaging. J Mater Sci Mater Med, 2017, 28, 74-82

    12. Xiao LJ, Deng M, Zeng WG, Zhang BX, Xu ZS, Yi CF, Liao GF, Novel robust superhydrophobic coating with self-cleaning properties in air and oil based on rare earth metal oxide. Ind Eng Chem Res, 2017, 56, 12354-12361

    13. Yang Z, Ren JH, Ye ZL, Zhu W, Xiao LJ, Zhang L , He QY, Xu ZS, Xu HB, Bio-inspired synthesis of PEGylated polypyrrole@polydopamine nanocomposites as theranostic agents for T-1-weighted MR imaging guided photothermal therapy. J Mater Chem B, 2017, 5, 1108-1116

    14. Zeng WG, Chen J, Yang H, Deng LD, Liao GF, Xu ZS, Robust coating with superhydrophobic and self-cleaning properties in either air or oil based on natural zeolite. Surf Coat Technol, 2017, 309, 1045-1051

    15. Liao GF, Chen J, Zeng WG, Yu CH, Yi CF, Xu ZS, Facile preparation of uniform nanocomposite spheres with loading silver nanoparticles on polystyrene-methyl acrylic acid spheres for catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol. J Phys Chem C, 2016, 120, 25935-25944

    16. Zhang L , Liu RQ, Peng H, Li PH, Xu ZS, Whittaker AK, The evolution of gadolinium based contrast agents: from single-modality to multi-modality. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 10491-10510

    17. Wang X , Tu MQ, Yan K, Li PH, Pang L, Gong Y, Li L, Liu RQ, Xu ZS, Xu HB, Trifunctional polymeric nanocomposites incorporated with Fe3O4/iodine-containing rare earth complex for computed X-ray tomography, magnetic resonance, and optical imaging. ACS Appl Mater Inter, 2015, 7, 24523-24532

    18. Zheng DW, Lei Q, Chen S, Qiu WX, Liu MY, Chen X, Ding YX, Li PH, Zhang QY, Xu ZS, Supermolecular theranostic capsules for pH-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging and multi-responsive drug delivery. J Mater Chem B, 2015, 3, 8499-8507

    19. Yan K, Li H, Li PH, Zhu HE, Shen J, Yi CF, Wu SL, Yeung KWK, Xu ZS, Xu HB, Self-assembled magnetic fluorescent polymeric micelles for magnetic resonance and optical imaging. Biomaterials, 2014, 35, 344-355

    六、 授权发明专利(部分)

    1. 一种卵白强健的聚吡咯功能纳米粒子制备要津过甚应用,国度发明专利123性爱网,专利号:CN201710815505.7

    2. 一种双模式磁共振酌量光热诊疗剂的制备要津,国度发明专利,专利号:CN201710694674.X

    3. 一种耐热抗紫外线复合薄膜过甚制备要津,国度发明专利,专利号:CN201710555325.X

    4. 一种T1MRI成像酌量下的光动调理剂制备要津,国度发明专利,专利号:CN201710598438.8

    5. 一种pH/温度敏锐型复合微球过甚制备要津和应用,国度发明专利,专利号:CN201710579249.6

    6. 一种纳米复合材料的合成要津和应用,国度发明专利,专利号:CN201710573427.4

    7. 一种聚丙烯酸改性电气石银复合材料的制备要津,国度发明专利,专利号:CN201710556018.3

    8. 一种聚酰亚胺/改性自然玄色素纳米复合材料过甚制备要津,国度发明专利,专利号:CN201710541314.6

    9. 一种热可逆自树立聚氨酯酰亚胺膜过甚制备要津,国度发明专利,专利号:CN201611159022.8

    10. 一种以聚酰胺酸为亲水扩链剂的水性聚氨酯乳液过甚制备要津,国度发明专利,专利号:CN201611111232.X

    11. 一种聚氨酯自清洁涂料过甚制备要津,国度发明专利,专利号:CN201610903095.7

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